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Trick To get Amazon Prime at free of cost

Free Amazon Prime Trick, Trick To Get Free Amazon Prime India Membership

Free Amazon Prime Trick, Trick To Get Free Amazon Prime India Membership

Hi friends how are you ? Who do not love get anythings at free of cost. For this reason  Today I am going to share how you can get amazon prime at free of cost. Yes you are absolutely right . You have to follow these tricks which I shared in this artical. If you become a amazon Prime User then you can watch movies, videos, web series , get free delivery at 99% of product and you can early access amazon exclusive sale on Amazon App and Website
We all know that is one of the most popular online shopping site in India & when we talk about the products, amazon is best choice for the customers because they provide best deals. But, many of us don’t like to pay the delivery charges. So, for this problem Amazon prime is the best solution for all. 
Well, The actual price of Amazon prime membership is Rs.999/year, but there are some offers/tricks by which you can get free amazon prime India membership.

Lets discuss these steps

1stDownload Pocket App and Sign up. 
       submit the referal code ( POC0061954 ) on sign up page. You have to must be submit this code at sign up time.
2nd – Go to Amazon Prime Page 
3rd –  select trial 30 days . 
4th – select payment method .
5th – here you have to submit the card details. Here is the main tricks. After signing up on you will get a virtual debit card . Copy this virtual debit card details and pest it on the payment page.
6the – submit .
Voila you get Amazon Prime Subcription for one month. You can enjoy all feature of the prime membership at free of cost. 
This is the todays trick How to get amazon prime at free of cost . Thank you friend thankyou for joining with us. Next day we will back with next attracktive tricks.

By admin